• clean energy now

    our children deserve a cleaner future

  • clean energy now

    our children deserve a cleaner future


Solar panels not only generate energy on your roof, they also generate cash in your pocket. That’s because when you go solar you can save on your monthly utility bill and secure lower fixed energy rates for years to come. The savings over time add up and allow you to plan for your future. See how quality, savings and affordability make going solar the right choice.

24 hours electricity.

It provides you the access of electricity all the time. Get Electricity 24x7 irrespective of day or night time.

Cleanest source of energy

It is the best source of energy in perspective of residue, no carbon residue is left in the process of electricity production.

Cost Effective

You start saving from the day 1 after a single time investment. There is no maintainance required for it.

Solar customers are making a better tomorrow and enjoying savings today.

Why Lighthouse Energy ?


We offer you the best technology at the best price. With the most financing options in the industry, whatever plan you choose, you’ll save money on your monthly utility bill. 


No more worrying about installation and repairs. We will take care of it.


We don’t outsource our installations, and we quality check all of our supplies. Your solar system comes protected with 20 year warranty


From initial design, to paperwork and permits, we take all the guesswork out of going solar.


See exactly how much you can produce – and how much you can save every month.


We have an amazing team out here to guide & support you throughout the process and post installation.

Let's make our planet more clean

Researchers believe, by 2050 the world's main source of electricity will likely be the sun.

How Solar enregy works

Reaching New Heights

It is the most abundant, most liberating energy source of all